Peristaltic pump solves brewery dosing problems 04 November 2010

Accurate, contamination-free dosing of liquid sugar into premium Belgian beer is being handled by a close-coupled peristaltic pump from Watson-Marlow.

Situated 80km from Brussels, Brasserie de Blaugies is one of several hundred family-run microbreweries around Belgium and, while its processes had served it well for decades, when it won a contract to fill 20 and 30 litre plastic fermentation vessels with one of its beers, precision dosing was the stumbling block.

As luck would have it, a friend of the Carlier family, Andres Urban, works for Watson-Marlow and recommended the 520 Series pump, which has a 'MemoDose' feature for single shot dispensing.

In operation, this pump has been matched to Marprene tubing, Watson-Marlow's thermoplastic elastomer, which is renowned for its longevity and chemical compatibility.

Brian Tinham

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Watson Marlow Pumps Group

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