Gina Krog platform to get Emerson performance monitoring system 19 February 2014

Statoil has awarded Emerson Process Management a $2.7 million contract to supply an integrated plant and machine condition and performance monitoring system for the Gina Krog oil and gas platform in the Norwegian North Sea.

The system will enable Statoil personnel onshore to monitor the new fixed platform's critical pumps, compressors and associated equipment to maximise efficiency and identify evolving problems before they affect production.

It will include Emerson's CSI 6500 Machinery Health Monitor and AMS Suite predictive maintenance software, together designed to deliver predictive diagnostics and early equipment health alerts for operations and maintenance.

The system also includes a wireless communication infrastructure based on IEC 62591 (WirelessHART) technology, capable of capturing additional equipment data on the platform at much lower cost than hard-wired alternatives.

Statoil expects the system to help maximise production, by minimising downtime, while also reducing maintenance costs.

This award extends the scope of a previous contract for Emerson to provide an integrated process control, safety and asset management system for the new upstream operations.

Located just north of the Sleipner West field in the central part of the North Sea, the Gina Krog field (previously called Dagny) is expected to produce some 60,000 barrels of oil and 9 million Sm3 of rich gas per day.

Brian Tinham

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