Blower dryer speeds racing transmissions production 28 July 2011

High-performance, custom-engineered race transmissions manufacturer Xtrac is reporting unexpected benefits from its recent adoption of new Health & Safety practice.

Previously, when machined components were progressing through manufacture, they were coated in a heavy, oil-based corrosion preventative, which had to be removed and reapplied after each operation.

To eliminate health and safety issues, Xtrac introduced VCI bag technology, along with an aqueous-based detergent that has a rust inhibitor additive, to replace the original substance.

Andrew Jackson, senior process engineer, says that, once applied, this new rust inhibitor leaves only a thin protective film that permits the piece to be worked on without having to be removed.

Interestingly, however, the earlier cleaning and application operations took about 25 minutes each time. With the new system, application and drying take around five minutes – with the drying phase taking only seconds.

With each component passing through an average of 10 stages involving rust inhibitor application and removal, some 200 minutes have now been saved.

As for the dryer itself, Jackson explains that it is a specially adapted blower-powered device from Air Control Industries of Axminster. Called JetBlack, it delivers a high volume of clean, filtered air at low pressure, which provides rapid, effective drying with no dangers to the operative.

Compressed air had been considered, he says, but the risk of moisture-contaminated air causing rust promotion, plus the inherent dangers arising from high pressure air resulted in it being discounted.

Also considered by Xtrac was a heated drying chamber, but this was far more expensive and much slower.

"The ACI JetBlack plays a significant role in our new between stages handling operations," comments Jackson. "The effective, safe drying … has facilitated the switch to the new process, while also proving to be very cost-effective. We currently have two JetBlacks installed and another three have been ordered."

Brian Tinham

Related Companies
Air Control Industries Ltd

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