MAS urges operators to take the red tape challenge 12 July 2011

The Manufacturing Advisory Service is encouraging plant managers to "seize a unique opportunity" to tell the government what they really think about the rules and regulations that affect them.

Between Thursday 21 July and Thursday 11 August, the government's Red Tape Challenge turns its attention to manufacturers, giving small and medium sized businesses a unique opportunity to shape future policy decisions.

MAS national network manager Neale Ryan says that engineers will be able to share their opinions about regulations – which should stay, which should be simplified and which should go. He also says that the default presumption will be that "burdensome regulations will go" and that if ministers want to keep them, "they have to make a very good case".

"There are some regulations and standards that obviously must be maintained and help to promote best practice within industry," comments Mark Potts, business development and commercial manager at Gestamp, which has used MAS's services.

"There are, however, a number of regulations which increase the burden on manufacturers, without delivering any obvious benefits. I, for example, would like to see a reversal of the lowering of the Climate Change Levy threshold, which will penalise smaller energy intensive companies such as ours, and Feed In Tariffs, which will affect the commercial viability of installing green technologies, such as solar panels," he explains.

Zodion managing director John Fox, who has also worked with the Manufacturing Advisory Service, says: "I would like to see a reduction in the amount of bureaucracy around The CRC Energy Efficiency Order 2010. For a medium sized company, such as ourselves, the inconsistency of its application on our customers can present a heavy burden.

"Where we have come across regulations and standards that are necessary and do provide an ultimate benefit to the company, we have worked closely with the Manufacturing Advisory Service and, as a result, have seen impressive results."

Those wishing to contribute should visit the Red Tape Challenge website

Brian Tinham

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DTI-Manufacturing Advisory Service

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