ISO 11011 to improve compressor efficiencies and standardise audits 11 April 2012

New international standard ISO 11011 'Compressed air – energy efficiency – assessment' will help air users to save energy, while also standardising energy audits offered by compressor firms, according to rotary vane compressor manufacturer Mattei.

The standard, currently in development and due for launch in 2013, will contain a framework for assessing and auditing compressed air systems.

Mattei general manager Andy Jones makes the point that electrically-driven compressors account for around 10% of electricity costs – and that unsuitable compressors, leaks, poorly sized pipework, long distances, excessive bends and fittings, and improper use all reduce efficiency levels.

"For some time, responsible manufacturers and compressed air equipment suppliers will have been advising compressed air users to invest in energy audits, data logging exercises and leak detection surveys, especially before a new compressor is installed," states Jones.

"However, an end user is under no obligation to carry out such assessments. So it's likely that the vast majority of businesses don't know how much compressed air they use, or how much it costs them – or even if their compressors are appropriate for their production processes," he continues.

Jones hopes that, though voluntary, compressed air users will see the value of ISO 11011.

"Importantly, the standard will help them to establish how much compressed air they use, and how much it costs them to generate it.," he explains.

"It should deliver sustainable results – ultimately saving energy and reducing carbon emissions – and could also be of benefit when a business is trying to demonstrate its environmental credentials to potential customers," he adds.

Jones also believes that the publication of ISO 11011 will mean that end users can expect like-for-like energy audits. Currently, he says, many compressed air companies provide energy audits as part of their service offering – Mattei offers its Intelligent Energy Management system – but they tend to vary from one supplier to the next.

"Mattei wholly welcomes the forthcoming ISO 11011 standard," states Jones."It's vital for industry to understand how much energy is used producing compressed air, and how this can be improved. It's also essential for energy audits to be regularised, so we'll all be offering similar advice and carrying out the same assessment and auditing procedures on a level playing field – which can only be of benefit to the end user."

Brian Tinham

Related Companies
Mattei Compressors Ltd

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