Veolia brings e-telehandler to UK 18 July 2023

Veolia electric telehandler Making the switch to electric power for the MRF 360-Telehandler is said to create a 65% saving in carbon dioxide emissions per year compared to a diesel powered alternative model.

Veolia has introduced its first electric 360 telehandler in the UK, where it will load incoming recyclable waste into the bag splitters of its facility in Southwark.

The material recovery facility (MRF) separates the different recyclable materials so they can be sent for reprocessing into new products.

Making the switch to electric power for the MRF 360-Telehandler is said to create a 65% saving in carbon dioxide emissions per year compared to a diesel powered alternative model.

Due to the reduced wear and tear and lower maintenance requirements for electric machines versus diesel ones, the equipment is also expected to have a longer lifespan, going beyond 20,000 hours of run time, that’s five years in Southwark’s 24/7 integrated waste management Facility.

Operations Engineer

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