HVAC control valves guide published30 June 2021

The Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA) has released a new technical guide, “Selection of Control Valves”.

It is intended to provide a better understanding of the complex topic of control valves in HVAC systems, how they work and some basics on how to size and select the right valve. Feedback from customers and installers showed this subject to be needing a simple introduction guide, says BCIA.

“When today’s control system engineering focus is all too often directed to the electronics side of the control scheme, it is easy to neglect the importance of proper valve selection and application. The topic of hydraulics in HVAC systems has changed considerably in recent times as affordable technology has enabled variable flow circuits and pressure independent control (PIC) valves,” it said.

Terry Sharp, president of the BCIA, said: “We may remember that there are many things to be considered when selecting a control valve, but valve design, technology and application has changed in recent times. This guide provides some basic clarity to the novice and serves as an aide-memoire to the more experienced and will hopefully help HVAC engineers be more confident in their valve selection.”

The guide is available for download via the link below.

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