CIWM Preview - Time to raise the standard05 April 2005

According to the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM), the discipline of waste management is entering its third age. The first age was concerned simply with disposal, while the second age was also about removing waste swiftly and efficiently. The third age takes matters a step further: it is about putting waste to work, protecting valuable resources and returning them into the economy. A number of economic, social and legal pressures are combining to make a compelling case for reevaluating the whole chain of resource use: not simply waste prevention and recycling, but also product and process design and resource efficiency. Such material that is still disposed of needs to be handled and treated effectively and efficiently, with regard for people and the environment.

The CIWM's annual conference, which takes place on 14-17 June at Paignton, near Torbay in Devon, has as its theme 'Raising the Standard'. It will present over 70 leading industry speakers from the UK and overseas in a variety of conference and workshop sessions. Topics to be discussed will include:

- Improving waste producer awareness and performance
- Blue-sky solutions - the next wave of technologies
- Getting the structures right to deliver waste strategies
- Implementing the strategies and the tools used to make them happen.

Running alongside the conference will once again be the CIWM Exhibition. This will feature over 350 exhibitors promoting new concepts in waste management and the latest waste management products.

Located on six linked sites, the exhibition is expected to attract over 5,000 visitors, making it the largest showcase for waste management in the United Kingdom.

Further info

Conference booking forms can be requested, and exhibition visitor registration can be carried out, on the CIWM website at

Alternatively, call the CIWM on 01604 620426 or email


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