Solvent handling and glove guide released24 December 2018

The European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG) has released guidelines for handling solvents with gloves. The organisation aims to promote the use of organic solvents, and offer advice and guidance to meet legislative requirements.

It mainly consists of tables that summarise how appropriate eight different glove types are for handling 22 different solvents. The table shows the results using a colour-coded key that is based on estimates of break-through time. For example, while nitrile gloves are recommended for use with isopropanol alcohol (break-through time exceeds 240 minutes), they are not for ketones such as acetone (break-through time less than 10 minutes).

The table also shows that PE gloves are recommended for use with any of the solvents listed, whereas natural rubber latex is recommended for none, except 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol glycol ether.

The booklet also contains advice about each type of gloves, information about how to put gloves on and take them off, a list of relevant chemical standards and other selection advice.

The guidance can be found via:

Will Dalrymple

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